The Scaled Forests

The Scaled Forests lie south of the Skyward Barrier mountains. The whole of the southwestern area is not forest, but that land is broadly referred to as the Scaled Forests regardless. The actual forest are equatorial, tropical and subtropical, and are named for the dragons they house. Dragons exist all across the continent, but the vast majority of them habitate these southern forests, and it is here where they originated. Contrary to myth, these dragons were smaller, reaching absolute maximum sizes of around a 4 ft shoulder height and approximately 8 ft length, nose to tail base. Including their tails, larger forest dragons can reach lengths of up to 16 ft. Most forest dragons are closer to 6 ft long.

The Scaled Forests were historically populated by mostly humans. They did not have much contact with species other than ipotanes until their cities grew significantly, as the seas and mountains proved sturdy barriers to trade and travel. They did, however, lead the world in shipbuilding and sailing techniques- as they required them to manage travel between the many islands along the west coast, out to the Shiral islands, and, eventually, to other parts of the world.

Noohihkaryu Plains

The mid-latitudes south of the forests are occupied by plainland and savanna, historically habitated by ipotane herds. The herds that reside here are harbor distict cultural differences from those in the north, for even the herdland seperated by Iaran Gulf are close to each other, and thus experience much overlap and exchange. The Noohihkaryu plains, however, experience little to no sustained interactivity with northern herds after colonization.